Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Christian Bale in Armani PLUS his hot wheels

Scottie N. sent this image to my inbox this morning (a huge thank you for that!). How did he know I was scouring the internet yesterday for quite such a thing?

All I have to say about it is:

OMG. OMG. Oh. My. God.

Words. Words. I have no words.

I need to sit and be quiet for a while.


Rachel Singer said...
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Rachel Singer said...

The shoulders on this suit look a little you think Giorgio needs new glasses? maybe he is getting a little old? perhaps Christian has a big head?

I ask hard-hitting questions.

Helen Racanelli said...

Yep, I think that's pretty typical for Armani suits...they tend to have the broader, sloping shoulder. I prefer suits with a tighter trap and narrower shoulders. On a man that is.