Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Christian Louboutin interview gone wrong

Christian Louboutin makes some durned purty shoes. I read once that he made the soles of his shoes red (all of them are red attention next time you're in a crowd of well-heeled ladies) because he wanted to be able to recognize his shoes whenever women wore them.

Snagged this awesome screen grab from

Anyhow, listen to this:

A lifestyle journalist friend of mine once interviewed Louboutin, in person. She showed up, and she says he's a small, nonattractive little dude. She shook his hand. And then, and then....

He wiped his hand off.

I'm not sure if it was on his pants or his shirt, but he wiped his hand off like she was pond scum or something.

That's crazy!

He wasn't that nice either. And after the interview, when the factchecker called to verify all the factoids, the story got all watered-down and I-didn't-say-that (yep, in Canadian print magazines all facts are verified by a fact-checker who will call the contacts back after the fact to ensure a story's accuracy).

Isn't that annoying? I'd still wear his shoes though. They're awesome.

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