Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Galliano for Christian Dior

I'm breathless.

I mean, look at this.

The beauty.

This is all over the fashion news today. The show was yesterday.

Oh Galliano for Dior, I love you this season!

I've always loved Galliano, even at his most ridiculously flamboyant. Even when he dropped a pile of weight and had a rippled stomach which he would flash on the runway. Even through the minimalist Calvin Klein 90s. I've always hated minimalist clothes. Give me rococco anyday.

Anyhow, this collection isn't so much rococco as it is Dior's New Look mixed with romantic costume drama.

Gorgessity. I'm without words.

Sarah Mower for Style.com writes:
"Those color effects were ravishing. Running from the palest pinks through mauve, ice blue, crimson, orange, and emerald, they often appeared to shade from one hue to another in the rich folds of duchesse satin skirts and the tiny-bodiced jackets sitting above them."

OK, I have a few words.

For my part, I think these looks are imminently wearable (pared down, of course) and I can't wait for them to trickle down into the fashion vernacular.

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