Saturday, June 09, 2007

Bitten by SJP

Not to get all on-the-bandwagoney, but Sarah Jessica Parker's new line of cheapo clothing, Bitten, certainly doesn't have me biting. Regurgitating, maybe, but biting...not so much. The line was finally released yesterday at Steve & Barry stores. I've never heard of these stores.

Her manifesto, as spelled out on Bitten's website:
"It is every woman's inalienable right to have a pulled-together stylish, confident wardrobe with money left over to live."

Um, are you kidding me?
I'm sure that's exactly what my immigrant grandmother was thinking when she fled rural China in the 50's and escaped poverty and food shortages..."oh please, I hope my daughter and granddaughters have the right to buy styleless clothing at the low, low price of under $20 per item." Right.

The blandness of Bitten's style aside, is there any real need for another cheap (and in this case, not even chic) collection of throwaway clothing?

Look at her shirt: "Fashion is not a's a right"

I'm barfing. If fashion is not a luxury, what the hell is?

(Also, on a side note: why is anyone surprised that SJP's line lacks style, a certain quirky je-ne-sais-quoi? SJP herself is not a real fashion maven, it's Patricia Field that was the mastermind behind her Sex in the City fashionista persona.)

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