Friday, September 11, 2009

Lindsay Lohan to "work" at Ungaro. Are you kidding me?

Has April Fool's come early? Why is Lindsay Lohan, of all half-dressed badly dressed orange people now an artistic advisor for the once-esteemed house of Emanuel Ungaro?

I haven't blogged in a long time, but this news item was just baiting me.

Surely, Lindsay Lohan loves fashion. But she also loves wearing leggings nonstop, and using Twitter as a forum for airing her dirty laundry with sometime girlfriend Sam Ronson.
She is not fashiony. She has ceased to be fashiony for a long, long time. Girlfriend is a hot mess.

Ugh. I feel nauseous. Poor old Esteban Cortazar, he either booted it or quit when this trainwreck came aboard.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My glam life as a mom

I'm a mom now. That's why I haven't blogged in what seems, to me anyway, like a lifetime. I'm sitting here with hair in a lopsided unkempt ponytail in mismatched pyjamas hoping my six-month old, who has commandeered about half of my king-size bed greedily sucking on a pacifier, doesn't wake up. This is glamour, people.

Any new discussion about fashion right now necessitates some mention of the recession, doesn't it? An era of frivolity has passed, and in many ways, I can't say I mourn it.

I'm not sure if this coincides with my new status as a parent, but it seems like everyone can breathe a little now. That latest, greatest purchase you were itching to buy can wait a bit. Those cute shoes, that new jacket beckoning...well, it just seems like good fiscal sense to hold off.

So, in a recession, is fashion dead?


Classics. Less is more. Work what you already have.

Or just sit around all day in old sweatpants, like moi.